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Parihar Place, Renwal Road Vill.- Khedi Milak, Jaipur Contact us:- 9166823895 , 9784811552 (Kamlesh Padiyar)
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Kamlesh 1
M/s SHUBHAM ENTERPRISES, KHEDI MILAK VIA- RENWAL DIST- JAIPUR (RAJASTHAN)- INDIA- 303603 Call- 9261648054 or 9166823895 & 9982150628 Email- Kamleshpadiyar@yahoo.in or Padiyar.kamlesh@gmail.com For info. visit our siteClick here http://kkp628.wapglee.com
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."13/03/25
Time to says good bye frnds, have a great summer vacation. Enjoy and have a lots of fun! with advance wishes of EID MUBAARAK By heartly warm:-Kamlesh Padiyar
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About us
Hi! Guys First I Wish So Thanks for visit our site. Now I want tell you that I Self Kamlesh belong to Khedi Milak, Jaipur. I am a B.TECH STUDENT from trades of Electronics & Commuction and other wise I posted on advisior at M/s SHUBHAM ENTERPRISES. How to reach ?It is very easy reach to us. Our destination is located at Parihar Place, Renwal Road, Vill.- Khedi Milak, Jaipur. You can reach by train and bus from railway station and ISBT Jaipur. Kishangarh Renwal are Near Railway station. it is placed 10 kms distance from khedi milak. Kishangarh Renwal is a big town and it is a sub division of thehsel bigger Railway station are Phulera. it is also called Phulera junction keep a reputation in Asia. Phulera is assembly sector and it expand almost 5 kms areas History of Khedi MilakKhedi Milak is a small and beautiful village. it is almost expand in 2 kms areas. it connected by the route of bus daily service from jaipur to kishangarh renwal and other route jobner to khedi milak via pachkodiya. but here we not go to deeply so we describe that here is a innocent village. here is many temple of god & goddess. here is main temple of "Hanumaan ji" and other is "Govind das baba ji" estables york times. Here is world famous mosque of "Milk Baba". The village also known as name of Milk BabaHere is a government school and a private institute provide education and also doing good job and expanse to education. in village a private ngo working as name "Gram Chetna Kendra" in short GCK. It is working in welfare of orphan and poor childrens's future. it is also work neutration of childrens. Take a moment for visit shubham enterprises"Shubham Enterprises" world's best leading company of construction work. it is a complicted hub of the construction's field. Mr. Ramdayal Ji Verma are owner of company. he keep a famous name in construction's field. he exprience 20 years in construction field. It is approved JDA & PWD Govt. of Rajasthan and also under work in BPCL, HPCL, IOCL & SIEMENS LTD. MUMBAI. In started of company known name of Sapna Engineers but now it is convert in M/s SHUBHAM ENTERPRISES And stand on a good step. In start company gained many barrier and demolution to problems so now stand on a good position. And day and day increasing in upper. Parihar Place, Renwal Road, Vill.- Khedi Milak is head destination of company. it located something 5 kms distance from jaipur-jodhpur mega highway. and 50 kms distance from Jaipur. Jaipur, it is state captail of rajasthan. it is also known other name "PINK CITY" And Paris of east. it is a beautiful city. here is a international airport at sanganer, world's best multiplex.Best ground of cricket "SMS STADIUM" Best Palace "Hawa mahal, Fort of aamer, Fort of nahaargarh, Tins of gettor and Jal mahal" Best dames " Ramgarh Dame, Kalah Dame, Chndlahaai' dame and many more. World's best engineering institute like:- bmit, skit, jecrc , git, iimet, mgec, siit, ciet, poornima's collage and many more institute placed in world's best education hub in Sitapura, Jaipur. Jaipur also known as in a brief time metro city. in city best location as like as "Centrle Park & Jawahar circle. We special thanks to Mr. Ramdayal ji Verma. He provide whole information. Be Regard:- Thank You by Kamlesh Padiyar (System Administration)
Note:- All procedure runned by Kamlesh Kumar Padiyar
1. Location of fourth coming project:- Nasirabaad (Ajmer)2. Location of running project:- Hamripur (Tonk)3. Location of recently project:- Chandan, Dist.- JaisalmerJoin us on facebook
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A heartly tribute to my grandmaa. your bless always with us.
May I heartest wishes on this auspicious day of lord shiva a lot of fun & enjoyable HAPPY MAHA SHIVRAATRI.KEEP SIMILING:- #KAMLESH PADIYARComments:-
कमलेश कुमार पडियार
Learn more, do more and be more are three word of success in life every person should mentain to that words and run up in life....keep similing:- kamlesh padiyar
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Aaj-tak-logo1United States M/s Shubham Enterprises, Khedi Milak A Pvt. Construction Company Estables 2009-2010 Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Padiyar Advisior Of Company. Tel. No. 01424681683

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